Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Independent Income Sources

In brisk financial times, multiple streams of income help ensure a reasonable degree of financial security. When the majority of them are independent, all the better. Embarking on a freelance venture can be daunting at first when you're conditioned to expect income to arrive in your hands via a weekly paycheck, but it doesn't take long to see the viability of indie business if you start off slow and take the time to experiment with what works. Some sources are steady income streams, others are fallbacks. Identifying which is which makes it possible to live fully on an independent income stream fairly swiftly (given the right attention and stick-to-it-iveness).

Before embarking on a freelance venture, identity your strengths, and then identity strengths you can develop overtime.

Optimizing Immediate Strengths

All of us have talents. You may be a wiz with numbers, formidable with a pen, a born organizer, an exemplary imagist, or talented in another field your services are needed in. Identify what you do well, and decide whether or not it's something you want to freelance. If it is. Start brainstorming your service plan and marketing approach. There are content mills and virtual staffing companies you can join but its always advisable to build your brand, at least on the side.

Long-term Strength Training

For those skills you don't quite feel secure in or need.to learn completely from scratch, there are opensource digital program tools, online schools, virtual libraries, and social groups where you might find someone to apprentice under. We're in a time of great possibility, despite appearances. Devote an alloted amount of time each week and you'll be an old hat in swift time.

Markets and Freelancing Tools

The following are markets for some of the more readily visible categories of freelance work supported by online presence. They aren't by any means all there is, however, just a listing of some of the best, legit tools and potential clients. If you know of any worthwhile additions, drop a line in the comments.

(writing) jobs.problogger.net
(writing forum) absolutewrite.com
(SEO marketing blog) SmartPassiveIncome.com
(writing, general business/marketing) sitepoint.com
(writing, graphic design/visual, tech) donanza.com
(writing) allofcraigs.com
(easeful writing for spare change) postloop.com
(bid-based virtual staffing) Odesk.com
(writing) Copify.com
(writing) PureContent.com
(writing) Groupon.com
(writing) ReadyCopywriter.com
(Sell digital wares) Ejunkie.com
(Open Digital Market) PeopleStox.com
(Open Market For Spare Change) Fiverr.com

Check back for updates.

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